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The Brick Box was an international arts company founded in 2010, which closed permanently in February 2024.
A horse and trap parked up next to a film shoot on the banks of the Nile.
My dear friend and colleague Liz Rech. She lives in Hamberg.
The beautiful architecture of Cairo reminded me of the Mugal Palaces in northern India.
Downtown Cairo Arts Festival took place all over the city. This was an experimental electronica night in a historic belly dancing club.
Fruit and veg stall in a Coptic Christian neighbourhood. I love the colours and assembly of this stall.
High noon on the outskirts of Cairo.
El-Seed’s huge mural
Grubby cat and toasting pitta.
A touching moment during one of the D-CAF performances.
Disabled and non-disabled performers on the streets of downtown Cairo
Faded dreams of revolution
Defaced murals of Arab Spring martyrs
The recently destroyed building which was home to Townhouse Gallery
Beautiful calligraffitti
Evening in Islamic Cairo
Cafe culture in Islamic Cairo
That lightbulb moment with Jorge from ZU-UK.
My taxi driver had replaced his rear view mirror with a game console – DIY culture!
The streets, alleyways and in between spaces of downtown Cairo. A fascinating tour led by Omar from Cluster, a Cairean architectural practice.
Urban Heat in Cairo
May 23, 2016
Light, Arts, Cities
Public art commission in Kingston upon Thames