BD Bus Trips

We took people out of their usual BD postcodes for a series of bus trips around Bradford to help create a new 2040 Vision for the District.

The 2040 Vision is a big consultation exercise for Bradford city and District, which will give the people of Bradford the chance to have a say on how their home develops in the next 20 years.

By talking to people around Bradford, we found out what people like about where they live and work, what they think could be improved, and what big ideas they have for the area.

The aim of creating the 2040 Vision is to build civic pride, and make sure the district is building a positive future that makes it a great place to live, work, visit and invest.

The consultation saw us visiting five areas of Bradford on a bus tour called BD Bus Trips, taking people to BD10, BD2, BD4, BD21 and BD13.

Some BD Bus Trip riders were familiar with these areas already, and some were completely new to them. The bus trips were free to attend, and even included snacks en route and treats at our destinations.

Conversations were hosted by facilitators from each place, who knew the areas well and helped gather some snapshots that will shape the district as part of a wider consultation by Bradford Council.